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● NEW-IPS 主控系统,NS-ACD/1,彩色液晶
● NEW-IPS 主控系统,NS-ACD/2,单色液晶
● DSP主算法板,单选件
● ARM主控制板,单选件
● 21路采样板,单选件
电气参数(Electrical parameter)
机械参数(Machine parameter)
采样路数(Sampling) 6路电压,12路电流,3路直流电压 接线端子(Connecting terminal) WAGO 8/6/2
6-voltage,12-current,3-DC voltage 防护等级(Protection grade) IP40
算法芯片(Control chip) DSP 2812/150MHz,ARM 2378/100MHz 工作温度
working temperature
液晶显示(Crystal) NS-ACD/1,真彩色,Multicolor
NS-ACD/2,单色,single color    
控制电源(Power supply) ±12VDC,+5VDC,+24VDC


控制算法(Control merhods) 双反馈环算法,Two-feedback loop



● 直流母线电压稳定技术——通过在一个正弦周期内离散控制直流母线电压,得到稳定的直流侧电压,同时获得待补偿的有功电流,提高了NEW-IPS 的补偿速度,并稳定直流母线电压的波动在3VDC之内,保证了输出的纹波特性,减轻了负荷突变的冲击。

DC bus voltage control technique -- By in a discrete sinusoidal cycle controlling the DC bus voltage to get a steady DC voltage, meanwhile access to active compensation current, increasing the NEW-SUNRISE compensation rate, and stabilizing the DC bus voltage fluctuation within the 3VDC to ensure that the output ripple characteristics, reducing the load of the impact of mutations.
● 采用高精度单相数字锁相环的相平衡技术——通过三个高精度的单相数字锁相环,能够在准确提取相位的同时,计算相间不平衡量,在NEW-SUNRISE输出补偿时实现三相电路间的平衡补偿。
High-precision single-phase digital PLL for phase equilibrium technique -- Through three high-precision single-phase digital PLLs, the phase can be accurately extracted. At the same time, calculating the amount of phase imbalance, NEW-SUNRISE output compensation realizes the three balance.
● 补偿电流输出的智能滞环环宽控制技术——利用直流侧电压与电源电压的测量值,根据平均电流模型得到下一周期补偿电流的校正值。将输出电流通过滞环比较器输出,同时考虑补偿对象的谐波值、开关频率等因素,智能控制滞环的环宽。
Intelligent compensation current output hysteresis loop width control technology -- Using DC voltage and source voltage measurements, based on the average current model compensation for the next cycle current correction is got. Through the hysteresis output, taking into account the object of the harmonic compensation value, switching frequency and other factors, theNEW-IPS  can control of hysteresis loop width.

● 四分之一周期滑动窗无功补偿技术——通过前四分之一周期采样的即时值结合滑动窗,可快速计算出该周期的所需无功补偿的目标值,能够实现对于变化速度为5毫秒的最优无功补偿效果。
Quarter of the cycle sliding window of reactive power compensation technique -- By a quarter period before real value combined sample sliding window, quickly calculating this cycle of the target value of reactive power compensation required, to achieve the change in speed 5 ms optimal reactive compensation effect.
● 补偿点预测技术——通过维纳滤波器在考虑采样频率、开关频率及工作频率之间关系的基础上,可以准确预测调制的下一个补偿点,可应对变化频繁的负荷场合。
Compensation point prediction technique -- By Wiener filter in considering the sampling frequency, switching frequency and operating frequency, on the basis of above relationship we can accurately predict the next modulation compensation point to deal with frequent changes of load applications.
● 控制环零点匹配提高整机稳定性技术——对NEW-IPS 的整机电气参数进行根轨迹分析,匹配相应的零极点以改善NEW-SUNRISE的根轨迹路径,保证NEW-IPS 在任何运行条件下的稳定性。

Machine stability control technique -- The whole of theNEW-IPS  root locus are analyzed by electrical parameters, matching the corresponding poles and zeros in order to improve the root locus NEW-SUNRISE path, ensuring NEW-SUNRISE under any operating conditions stability.

● 多目标补偿及优化技术——通过采样对负荷的运行状态进行监测,确定当前负荷在电压、无功、谐波问题处于何种阶段,控制NEW-IPS 运行于相应的控制阶段,实现对于上述复杂对象的多目标补偿。

Multi-objective compensation and optimization technique -- By sampling the operating state of the load to determine the current load in the voltage, reactive power or harmonic problems, control NEW-SUNRISE running in the corresponding control state to achieve the above-mentioned complex object multi-objective compensation.
● 虚拟磁链直接控制技术——通过虚拟磁链技术求出瞬时有功与无功,采用直接功率控制技术可使得变流器具有高功率因数、低THD、算法及控制简单的优点,即时解决负荷的无功及谐波补偿。
Virtual flux direct control technique -- Through the virtual flux obtaining instantaneous active and reactive power, and then direct power control technology can make the converter with high power factor, low THD, and simple algorithm and control, real-time to solve the load reactive power and harmonic compensation.
● 多电平的直接功率拓展控制的最优向量通用判据——解决多电平逆变器的控制策略向量选择的问题,提出可应用于三电平逆变器的基于直接功率控制的算法,通过三个滞环控制器来实现了算法的控制。为协调控制系统的有功功率、无功功率和中点电压,提出了基于上述直接功率控制的最优向量通用判据算法,通过分析各个逆变器电压矢量作用后产生的有功、无功、中点电压变化,选择合适的逆变器电压矢量来控制各个IGBT的关断。
The common criteria algorithm with the optimal vector for three-level Inverter based on direct power improved control -- Because there are hardware implementation difficulties in three-level inverter based on space vector control algorithm, three-level direct power control algorithm is proposed, which is achieved by three hysteresis control device for active power, reactive power and midpoint voltage. To control active power, reactive power and midpoint voltage, a common criteria method is proposed. Through analyses the change for active power, reactive power and midpoint voltage after applying every inverter voltage vector, the proper applied inverter voltage vector can be chosen to open or shunt IGBT.
